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30 July – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Jul 30, 2024

2 min read


The term ‘trafficking in persons’ refers to situations where a person is exploited and cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, or abuse of power. There are many forms of human trafficking such as sexual exploitation, forced labour, forced marriage and child soldier recruitment.


This year the theme for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is ‘Leave no child behind in the fight against human trafficking’, which aims to raise awareness of children's vulnerability to trafficking and to stimulate action to stop it.


Watch the video (3 minutes) on VoiceTube about the animated film Spirited Away, and how it reflects the reality of child slavery.



The video platform VoiceTube is a free site with thousands of videos with full subtitles that are highlighted as you listen so that you can listen and read at the same time. It is a great resource for learning and consolidating new vocabulary.

·      Click on any of the subtitles to jump to that part of the video.

·      Click on individual words in the subtitles to look them up.

·      Click on the A above the subtitles to select the level for the vocabulary that gets

highlighted (A = Beginner, C1 = Advanced).

·      Select any of the subtitles and click on the ‘repeat sentence’ pair of arrows on the bottom

left of the screen to hear the sentence repeated.

·      You can turn off the subtitles by clicking the EN button in the bottom left of the screen.



You can find out about forced labour in unit 11 of Develop Your English with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (free to access).



Jul 30, 2024

2 min read



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